“Green giant”: a billionaire who transfused his son’s blood for rejuvenation revealed a new secret

Tech tycoon Brian Johnson, who has spent millions to keep himself young, admitted that he wants to break a world record by changing his epigenetic age by 5.1 years.

American billionaire Brian Johnson, who spends millions of dollars every year to look younger, talked about a strange time he had while eating dinner. The Daily Star writes about it.

A man trying to reverse his age shared his daily schedule. Utah tech billionaire Brian Johnson, who spends $2 million a year to restore his youthful body, said his last meal of the day is at 11 a.m.

His unusual confession came after fans asked him for a screenshot showing his 11:00 p.m. dinner schedule, and fans wondered if it was a typo.

“The last meal of the day is at 11 am. I eat from 6 am to 11 am,” tech boss Brian wrote in response.

Brian, who recently transplanted the blood plasma of his 17-year-old son to rejuvenate himself, shared his unique eating habits. Millionaire’s Meal is part of his quest to challenge nature by going through an intense, data-driven experimental program he calls Project Draft.

For two years, the American has followed an intense regimen of carefully selected supplements, nutrition, exercise, and rigorous testing. He starts his day at 5am with two dozen supplements like lycopene, metformin, turmeric, zinc, lithium and more.

Then it gains energy with Green Giant Smoothie, which contains ingredients such as collagen, spermidine and creatine. Brian follows a strict vegan diet that includes a combination of hard and soft foods, limited to 1,977 calories per day.

Along with her surprising eating habits, the millionaire’s daily routine includes high-intensity exercise three times a week and several blood tests, an MRI, and a monthly colonoscopy.

He claims to have had a 37-year-old’s heart and an 18-year-old’s lungs after following an intense regimen. Brian admitted that he spends about $2 million a year keeping his body young. He aims to set a world record by changing his epigenetic age to 5.1.

Previously Focus He wrote that a 22-year-old man had secretly met his wife’s mother. The woman learned that her husband had had an affair with her mother for over twenty years. The man was the biological father of his twin brothers.

It was also reported that the woman gave birth to a child while in a coma. Doctors suspect that Emma Taylor has been living with the tumor from an early age. She exploded after pregnancy hormones spurred her growth. In order for the child to be born, the doctors had to put the woman into a medical coma.

Source: Focus


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