Deceptive vitality. Scientists tell if coffee really gives us energy

Researchers warn that we may want more from this drink than it can give us.

Many of us start the day with a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning, naively believing that it will cheer us up and fill us with energy for the whole day. According to statistics, people around the world drink more than two billion coffees a day in total, according to Live Science.

In a new study, scientists decided to tell you what effect coffee actually has on us, whether it cheers and energizes us. Looking ahead, this drink may actually relieve us of drowsiness, but it is unlikely to “energize”.

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It’s important to understand that the main stimulant in coffee is caffeine, and its main effect is to change how our brain cells interact with a compound called adenosine.

Fatigue and sleepiness

Adenosine is part of the system that regulates our sleep-wake cycle. As we do our work, levels of adenosine rise in our cells, which are released as a byproduct of energy use.

Eventually, it binds to the adenosine receptor, which eventually causes our cells to slow down, which makes us tired and sleepy. During sleep, energy consumption decreases, and with it the level of adenosine – again converted into other forms. Therefore, we feel rested after sleep.

If we’re still sleepy after waking up, caffeine may actually help with sleepiness, but only temporarily. The fact is that it works by binding to adenosine receptors – in fact, it fills in the “white spots” and prevents adenosine from binding to them.

The effect is short-lived

However, the effect of caffeine is not associated with the creation of any energy, but rather simply causes a feeling of joy. Unfortunately, caffeine can’t bind forever, and the adenosine it blocks isn’t lost anywhere. As a result, over time, caffeine breaks down, receptors are released, and all the accumulated adenosine fills them – the feeling of fatigue and lethargy returns.

time is everything

Several factors affect the effect of caffeine:

  • the amount of free adenosine in your system;
  • sleepiness level.

The researchers note that while the receptors are already filled with adenosine, then consuming caffeine can actually just make it harder for you to fall asleep. The fact is that the “half-life” of caffeine requires about 5 hours, but in this case we are all individual – someone may need more time, someone less. In addition, the researchers note that over time, our tolerance to the stimulus only increases.

Caffeine is also known to increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which makes us feel more alert. This may mean that caffeine is more effective later in the morning, when we already have a natural rise in cortisol upon waking. Therefore, the effect of a cup of coffee in bed in the morning may not seem that strong.

Researchers also point out that the sugar we add to our morning coffee also affects the level of fatigue. The truth is, sugar creates real energy in the body, free sugars cause a spike in blood sugar, and then when its level returns to normal, we feel tired.

The researchers also note that coffee during or after a meal may act more slowly – this is because food slows the absorption of caffeine.

coffee alternatives

Coffee isn’t the only beverage containing caffeine, it’s also found in:

  • Tea;
  • electrical engineering;
  • cola and other beverages.

However, each caffeinated beverage has its own profile of additional compounds, which can essentially have its own stimulant effect or interact with caffeine to alter its effects.

Either way, it’s important to remember that caffeine can be helpful, but it’s not “magic nectar” at all. To create energy and recharge our body with it, we need to eat right, drink water and sleep.

Previously Focus He wrote that scientists describe which product can make morning coffee healthier.

Source: Focus


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