Mysterious space monsters: five theories about black holes that might surprise you

Some of the most mysterious objects in space may have “rings of fire” or even “hair.”

Black holes are among the most massive objects in the universe and still cause debate among scientists about what’s inside them. It is believed that nothing, not even light, can escape a black hole. At the same time, these space monsters, sometimes of unimaginable mass, have become part of popular culture. At least thanks to physicist Stephen Hawking as well as science fiction novels and movies. The Daily Mail presents the 5 most interesting theories about black holes that might surprise you.

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Black holes are surrounded by a “ring of fire”.

Scientists were able to photograph the supermassive black hole at the center of the distant galaxy Messier 87 for the first time in 2019. Scientists have described this object as a space monster 3 million times the size of Earth.

This image shows what scientists say is a bright “ring of fire” surrounding the black hole. When black holes absorb very close matter, including stars, they compress that matter into a very hot disk of bright gas.

The image of the giant black hole from the Messier 87 galaxy shows that the lower part of the “ring” is slightly brighter. The fact is that this gas is directed towards Earth, and the black hole bends light around itself, which creates a round shadow.

Black holes have hair

The late Stephen Hawking suggested that black holes certainly do not absorb all matter, and that some data could escape the black abyss. According to Hawking’s theory, this data could be in the form of zero-energy particles or “soft plumes” located in the black hole’s event horizon. The theory proposes that these particles will consist of photons and gravitons, which are subatomic particles of light and gravitational energy.

These quantum particles can capture and store information received from particles falling into a black hole. This means that although particles falling into a black hole may be lost, their information continues to linger in these “soft plumes” of quantum particles. Hawking likened the process to a burned-out encyclopedia, where information isn’t technically lost but would be incredibly difficult to recover. So far, this theory has not been confirmed.

Black holes eject jets of gas

The strong gravity of a black hole means that if it approaches the event horizon, nothing can escape it. But many black holes are actually surrounded by swirling clumps of gas and dust, like water in a kitchen sink.

According to a study conducted in 2018, the accumulation process of a substance occurs in 3 stages. First, the cold gas forms a disk near the black hole’s spin plane, then heats up until the molecules collapse.

Some of these molecules protrude from the top and bottom of this disk and then fall down forming a fountain-like structure. Scientists hypothesize that this movement created arcuate rings surrounding inner pillars of matter that protrude outward and largely resemble fountains.

Black holes are the source of dark energy

In February of this year, scientists from Imperial College London proposed a new theory about black holes. To them, these space monsters could be mysterious sources of dark energy expanding the universe.

Initially, scientists believed that the expansion of the universe would slow down over time and eventually begin to contract under its own gravity. But in 1998, astronomers discovered that the universe was continuing to expand and that the expansion was accelerating. It was decided that there was invisible dark energy behind them.

Scientists have made observations on ancient galaxies and discovered that black holes gain mass, consistent with the fact that they contain vacuum energy or dark energy. Astronomers believe that the amount of dark energy in the universe can be explained by black. hole vacuum energy, so black holes are the source of dark energy.

Black holes could be a “gateway” to other parts of the universe

As popular theories say, there is a singularity inside a black hole where space-time curves towards infinity and anything passing through it can survive. But recently, a new study has emerged suggesting that a black hole may actually be a wormhole, or a wormhole through which someone can enter another part of the universe. According to this theory, any object that passes through a black hole will stretch to its limit and become like spaghetti, but will return to its normal size when in another part of the universe.

While it is unlikely that a human will survive this process, the researchers say the matter inside the black hole will not be lost forever, as previously thought, but will instead be ejected to another part of the universe.

About what actually happens to a person who falls into a black hole, and also whether it is possible to travel in time with the help of a black hole, Focus already wrote

Moreover Focus He wrote that according to one of the theories, our universe cannot exist unless it is part of the multiverse.

Another theory I wrote about Focussuggests that at a very early stage in the cosmos’s history, space-time cracked and faults appeared. Scientists said what this led to and how it could be proven.

Source: Focus


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