Lust on the edge. Scientists discover that hot weather causes a huge wave of cheating

Researchers warn that hot days can harm your romantic relationships.

The first month of summer is almost over and the thermometers are constantly rising. It’s no secret that extreme heat has a negative impact on people’s well-being, but researchers have discovered another surprising fact – the Daily Mail writes that hot weather activates a surprisingly sensual mood in humans.

British scientists have found that high temperatures make people more anxious than usual. Researchers state that June 10 in the UK is the hottest day of 2023, when the air temperature reaches 30°C. Surprisingly, this record coincided with an increase in registrations on the country’s leading dating site, with applications jumping a record 65%.

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Curiously, when the first warm days came last year, the events developed in the same way. According to Jessica Leoni, spokesperson for the dating site, temperature is responsible for activity. He and his colleagues did an analysis and found that not only “ice cream sales but also betrayals” increased during the heatwave.

The researchers concluded that the warm weather was causing a wave of betrayal – at least that was the pattern they were able to trace. According to Leoni, they also recorded an increase in site traffic in June 2022 – after which visitor numbers increased by 54%. Note that today the site has about a million users, and Leoni himself and his colleagues saw a very clear correlation between “temperature and debauchery”, and the higher the thermometer, the more cheats.

Interestingly, Leoni’s suggestion that hot weather makes people more alert is supported by a previous study by researchers at Tel Aviv University. Later results showed that spending more time in the sun could increase a person’s libido.

The study’s authors believe that exposure to ultraviolet light can increase testosterone levels in men while increasing levels of “sex steroid” hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Scientists also argue that attractiveness can increase at higher temperatures – allegedly during this period, women and men are much more willing to engage in sexual intercourse.

However, an equally important factor is that in the summer, people spend more time outside and interact with more people.

Leoni said they also conducted a survey of 1,000 users on the site as part of their research. 71% of buyers agreed that warm weather actually wakes them up more. At the same time, slightly less than 70% of respondents agreed that increased arousal was partially or completely the reason they signed up for the site.

In recent years, researchers have tirelessly warned that humanity cannot stop the planet’s global warming, which means we will inevitably face a rise in temperatures in the coming years. According to Leoni, this will lead to another eruption of betrayal.

According to Daniel Krueger, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Michigan, the warm weather brings us back to our childhood, and back then we associated summer with the absence of school, fun, and freedom. This attitude carries over into adulthood, creating the feeling that the usual rules do not apply during the summer months.

All this leads some people to believe that “cheating” is the norm during the sweltering summer months, according to Krueger. In simple terms, warmth seems to pause the couple’s normal behavior, and many people believe that a “summer getaway” is something in the order of things. Add to that the fact that people go out more in the summer, and the hotter the weather, the less clothes people want to wear, and the result is the perfect time for a “cheat splash.”

Previously Focus He wrote that scientists explain why people cheat and whether it hurts relationships.

Important! This article is based on and does not contradict the latest scientific and medical research. The text is for informational purposes only and does not contain medical advice. Be sure to see a doctor for a diagnosis.

Source: Focus


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