Dreams Come True. Scientists have created a toilet that will never have to be flushed again (video)

Researchers have 3D-printed a structure so slippery that literally nothing can leave a mark.

Cleaning the house, especially cleaning and whitening the toilet bowl, cannot be called a pleasant process. Researchers seem to have heard the prayers of millions and created a unique toilet that doesn’t need to be cleaned – literally nothing to linger on, the Daily Mail writes.

In a new study, scientists from China’s Huazhong University of Science and Technology have created a 3D-printed toilet bowl. The most curious thing is that this design turned out to be so slippery that it literally takes no additional effort to clean it.

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At first glance, the design looks like any toilet, but this is not entirely true. The fact is, scientists created it from a complex combination of plastic and water-repelling sand grains. Tests showed that the material was so slippery that fake feces, yogurt, and even Chinese rice porridge could not stay on the surface and slipped.

According to the authors of the study, the development of a new method for flushing the toilet plays an important role in minimizing water consumption, especially in the face of climate change. The fact is that since their invention in the 18th century, flush toilets have brought great convenience and health to mankind. However, this requires a large amount of water.

Statistics show that around the world, 141 billion liters of water are used per day just for flushing the toilet; this is 6 times the total water consumption of the African population. In the study, scientists used lasers to completely remove the “Abrasion Resistant Ultra Sliding Flush Toilet” (ARSFT).

The authors of the study note that the fabrication material is made of particles of silica and plastic, both of which are water-repellent due to their unstable molecules. After that, the structure was coated with a special silicone oil, which acts as an additional lubricant, thereby further reducing the surface tension.

During the research, the scientists also conducted a series of tests with yogurt, boiled Chinese porridge, honey, cloudy water, milk and artificial feces. Note that the scientists used synthetic feces developed by colleagues from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. The researchers say they are biologically similar to human feces and are made up of a variety of ingredients such as yeast, peanut butter, water and miso.

The results show that the toilet retains its super slippery properties even after rubbing with sandpaper more than 1000 times. Remember that today the invention is only a small model, but scientists hope that in the future it will be able to replace toilet bowls from the material we are used to.

It is not yet clear how much such a toilet would cost if developed for the general market.

Previously Focus He wrote that scientists filmed the squirt in the toilet in all its hideous glory.

Source: Focus


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