Alien at the bottom of the ocean. Creepy golden egg with holes found near underwater volcano in Alaska (video)

The researchers note that the finding is similar to something in a horror movie; “it’s as if someone or something is trying to get out of the sphere or into the sphere.”

The world’s oceans cover most of the Earth’s surface and are filled with many secrets, some of which seem terrifying. For example, this magnificent golden egg found at the bottom of an underwater volcano off the coast of Alaska writes Futurism.

The startling discovery was made by a team of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists while they were exploring an underwater volcano about 3 kilometers deep off the coast of Alaska.

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The researchers note that their work is aimed at mapping Alaska’s seafloor using a remote-controlled apparatus as part of the latest Alaska Seascape project. Note that NOAA posted the mission online when scientists stumbled upon a mysterious gold object at the bottom of an underwater volcano.

The discovery of a mysterious object at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean looks chilling in itself, but even more shocking was the damage to the “golden egg”. Further examination of the object showed that there was a hole in the surface of the mysterious ball, as if something was trying to get out of it or, on the contrary, try to pass through it.

After a few X-Files jokes and a few horror movies, the researchers decided to use the machine’s robotic arm to collect a sample from the mystery egg and examine its DNA.

Fortunately, no monsters emerged from the golden egg during the collection of samples. Moreover, scientists noticed that it looked more like gelatin or silk. During the research, the scientists had a few not-so-dreadful theories, suggesting that the object could be the remains of an eggshell or the remains of a Dead Sea sponge. Unfortunately, the scientists’ assumptions have not been confirmed, and researchers are still confused. According to the study’s authors, he and his colleagues were unable to detect this strange object, but they hope they will be able to do so in the future.

Previously Focus He wrote that the ancient underwater volcano is still “alive” and covered with a million giant eggs: this is what scientists discovered.

Source: Focus


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