Purrs and treats: the top signs that your cat misses you

It is difficult for cat owners to say goodbye to their pets when they have to leave them alone. Do cats get bored in your absence?

Cats and kittens are considered independent and self-sufficient animals that supposedly do not miss their owners when they leave home. But there are many signs that this is not the case. Catster writes about this.


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There are several signs in cat behavior that indicate cats are bored when their owners are away. Some are pretty obvious, while others are more obscure and require a deeper understanding of your cat’s body language, sounds, and behaviors.

Most cats are known to be independent, antisocial and aloof; They only notice when you’re not around. Although cats do not need humans to be as close to them as dogs do, they can still develop deep bonds with their owners. It is debatable whether cats miss their owners, but they still need your attention and love.

10 Signs Your Cat Misses You


Purring is one of the ways your cats communicate, and purring after returning home may indicate that your cat is happy to be reunited with you. Purring and socializing may increase when a cat is left alone for long periods of time.

Search for contact

When your cat misses you, he or she may show increased affection or follow you around for companionship.

Increased affection may include headbutting, rubbing against you, purring, and stroking. If your cat starts following you and sits where you stay, it may be demanding more attention than usual.

territory marking

Cats value their territory, especially their home, where they feel safe. While you’re away, your cat may have “marked his territory” and urinated in different parts of your home. Trying to protect yourself by marking your territory may indicate that you are needed. Although this way of showing emotions certainly does not please its owners very much.

To present

Cats are natural hunters. And they often bring their prey as gifts to their owners. They may bring a dead mouse or bird. But they can also offer a less bloody gift: for example, their favorite toy, a flower, or even some hidden object: for example, a hairpin that your pet stole from you before.

The cat is sleeping in your place

Since your cat can easily recognize you just by your smell, it may seek comfort among your clothes or in your sleeping area, as this gives it the opportunity to rest in a place that smells like it.

If your cat is sleeping on your floor, it could be a sign that he misses you and wishes you were around. Even if your cat chooses to sleep next to you, out of reach, this is his way of showing his love and trust.

Stress or excitement

Although some cats are independent, they experience stress and anxiety when they are separated from their owners for long periods of time. This means you play an important role in your cat’s life. You may notice a change in your cat’s behavior when you return home.

Your cat may act more anxious or even nervous; This may be indicative of deeper emotions such as separation anxiety.

disruptive behavior

By nature, cats are intelligent, curious and athletic creatures, and they need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to keep themselves entertained. If your cat becomes bored or stressed when you’re away, he or she may develop destructive behaviors such as scratching furniture or reaching into cabinets and rummaging through items.

This bad behavior may be a cry for attention from your cat that he/she misses you.

excessive grooming

Cats groom themselves to keep themselves clean, but in times of stress, such as when they miss their owners, they may over-groom. Cats also groom each other as a sign of affection, and when trust is established, this behavior is reflected in their owners. It may be unusual for your cat to decide to lick your hands or face, but think of it as a kind gesture from your cat who is grateful for you coming home.


Some cats lose their appetite or suffer from vomiting or diarrhea when their owners are away. If your cat has separation anxiety, symptoms such as hiding, excessive vocalization, excessive grooming, restlessness, and urinating outside the litter box may occur. Because symptoms of separation anxiety can potentially indicate other health problems, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian to rule out other medical problems or disorders.

Let’s remember this before Focus wrote about what the expression on your cat’s face might mean.

Source: Focus


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