Chinese horoscope for October 15: predictions for each sign

This Saturday, October 15, the metal bull will print its energy. Today it is important not to allow any injustice, to be very punctual and not to promise what you are not going to fulfill.

Chinese horoscope It consists of 12 animal signs. D To find out which one matches you, just check your birth year. The Eastern zodiac consists of 12-year cycles, each of which is ruled by a sign, 2022 corresponds to the year of the Tiger, so its energy will affect the rest of the horoscope.

Also don’t forget to keep in mind that for Chinese astrology the year starts on February 4th, for this reason those born before this day will have the previous year’s ruling animal as their zodiac sign because they actually made it this year. Thus, if your date of birth is January 10, 1998, your sign is Ox, because the Year of the Tiger has not yet begun on this date.

Rat (1936 – 1948 – 1960 – 1972 – 1984 – 1996 – 2008 – 2020)

The day is favorable for those who are under the power of the rat to put their thoughts and feelings in order. You cannot continue to ignore your emotions and let your head become a “tangled mess” of fears and worries. It’s time to make decisions, no matter how difficult they may seem, because continuing to wait will only affect them more.

Bull (1937 – 1949 – 1961 – 1973 – 1985 – 1997 – 2009 – 2021)

The ruler of the day will have energy in his favor. Today, you can take the opportunity to apply to people and organizations in a higher position, as it is more likely that the balance will be balanced and you will receive answers favorable to your interests. Thus, they can take advantage of this day to apply for bank loans, apply for a scholarship or a new job, advance government procedures, etc.

Tiger (1938 – 1950 – 1962 – 1974 – 1986 – 1998 – 2010 – 2022)

Bull encourages tigers to be physically active. Unlike other days when you were accompanied by a star of failure, today your energy will be better stabilized if you move your body. Walking, dancing, exercising or yoga can help you regain your balance and feel refreshed. Tonight, take the opportunity to meet with friends, it will be a very favorable meeting for you.

Rabbit (1939 – 1951 – 1963 – 1975 – 1987 – 1999 – 2011)

A day of pleasant surprises. From the very beginning, the bull will brighten up the day of the rabbits in many ways. Some kind of ticket to earth, some unexpected news, a job offer. But ultimately, those who are ruled by the rabbit will succeed in love, because today they can meet a person who, fortunately, will turn their lives upside down.

Dragon (1940 – 1952 – 1964 – 1976 – 1988 – 2000 – 2012)

The ruler of the day suggests that those born in the years of the dragon be very punctual with their debts. Keep your word and make all the payments you have pending for that day, or at least “show your face” to your debtors. It is very important to follow this advice, as a hack can seriously affect your reputation.

Snake (1941 – 1953 – 1965 – 1977 – 1989 – 2001 – 2013)

With a few stars in its favor, the snake should take advantage of the day to start projects that are under consideration. Get to work on those issues that you did not want or could not start, especially those related to your work and profession. Be very careful when you take on or promise something, because if you don’t follow through, the universe may teach you a lesson you won’t like.

Horse (1942 – 1954 – 1966 – 1978 – 1990 – 2002 – 2014)

The star of romance returns to accompany those born in the years of the horse. However, due to the additional energy conditions of the day, it will not bring strong and calm romances, but, on the contrary, the relations that began today will be characterized by instability and conflict. So if you’re looking for something lasting, don’t have any romance today.

Goat (1943 – 1955 – 1967 – 1979 – 1991 – 2003 – 2015)

The bull is the antagonist of the goat. This will cause energy shocks that will lead to legal problems. For this reason, it is recommended that those born in the years of the sheep should fully observe rules of any kind. Even violation of the smallest and simplest can bring them a lot of inconvenience.

Monkey (1944 – 1956 – 1968 – 1980 – 1992 – 2004 – 2016)

It is important that those under the control of the monkey be aware of their health. Especially those who have a chronic disease, because today the symptoms may worsen to the point that they have to go to the emergency room. As far as possible, stay away from clinics and hospitals, as there is a much higher chance of getting infected.

Rooster (1945 – 1957 – 1969 – 1981 – 1993 – 2005 – 2017)

The day is great for those roosters who are thinking of taking the next step in their relationship. The Ox will shake your hand in order to make the right offer and, above all, to get a positive response. The last hours of the afternoon will be the most energetic for you. Roosters who are already in a stable relationship can take advantage of the day to smooth over some of the rough edges caused by discussions in recent days.

Dog (1946 – 1958 – 1970 – 1982 – 1994 – 2006 – 2018)

While this is not normal for them, dogs will feel impatient during the day. This will cause quarrels and aggressive behavior, which they must avoid at all costs, because any injustice they go to today can be costly. Inhale lavender oil and drink chamomile tea to help regulate your energy.

Pig (1947 – 1959 – 1971 – 1983 – 1995 – 2007 – 2019)

The bull invites those who are under the control of the pig to take risks. Dare to do what you thought so much about, but never got the courage to bring to life. Change jobs or careers, start your own business, make that romantic proposal you’ve been putting off for so long, life is too short to wait.

Author: Opinion
Source: La Opinion


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