New job? Ben Affleck was caught serving coffee and donuts at an establishment in Massachusetts.

What a surprise some residents of Medford, Massachusetts got after the appearance of the actor Ben Affleck was spotted in a Dunkin’ Donuts window taking an order from his wife, Jennifer Lopez..

The first look at the actor appeared in the Instagram account of a resident of Medford named Lisa McKay. The card shows the protagonist of “Batman” in a Dunkin’ Donuts uniform delivering his favorite drink to his wife.

However, his work as an employee was not limited to J.Lo, as some clients had the opportunity to be served by Affleck and stated that “He was quick to respond to their requests and showed a great sense of humor when interacting with them,” El Imparcial said.

Although the reason for this unusual interaction has not yet been confirmed, Journalist Megan Johnson explained that the appearance of both stars in a donut shop will be stagedsince there were cameras recording every step of a celebrity.

The news didn’t take long to spread like wildfire on social media, so rumors began to circulate about the record.

Several netizens were quick to speculate that this was all part of a taping of the “Donkin’ Donuts” commercial that will air during the next Super Bowl broadcast, and how best to use the pair at the moment, Bennifer. , ad hoc.

• Jennifer Lopez is jealous! He didn’t let go of Ben Affleck while he was talking to Jessica Chastain
• Ben Affleck talks about the possibility of remarrying Jennifer Garner
• Ben Affleck will be responsible for ensuring that J. Lo continues to live in the house she shared with A-Rod.

Author: Castle Pillar
Source: La Opinion


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