Dating zodiac signs: which are the best and which are the worst

Zodiac signs can reveal if a person is good or bad for dating. It turns out that the horoscope affects how we behave in front of who our potential partner may be.

While we all have positive and negative traits, some come out on top while others tend to show their more embarrassing traits.

However, this does not mean that a date is fatal, because other characteristics also affect it, such as zodiac compatibility or meeting a soul mate; You must remember that there are no written rules in love.

At the same time, astrologers from Astrology Answers classified Zodiac signs that are best and worst for dating based on their reputation, and so both groups ended up.

The best signs for dating

1. Leo

Leos often make a good impression on a first date by showing off their kind and generous side. You can be bold and daring, which is what most of your romantic interests appreciate as relationships develop and don’t stay put.

2. Cancer

This sign occupies a privileged place because it is easy for them to immerse themselves in their emotions from the first date. They are sensitive to the emotions of their girlfriend and make her feel comfortable. In addition, it is not difficult for him to be sincere and show his true interests.

3. Scorpio

The reason why Scorpio is in third place is because he manages to quickly form an intimate connection with his dates. He is not dating anyone, meaning when agreeing to date someone, he first did extensive analysis to decide if he had potential or if it would be better to let him go.

4. Virgo

You don’t agree to a date “to see what happens”, you have a clear goal and you want your partner to know this ahead of time. In addition, it is useful to listen and express an honest opinion, which is appreciated over time.

5. Capricorn

As an earth sign, you are down-to-earth but ambitious and strike the perfect balance for your date to feel comfortable. While it won’t connect quickly on an emotional level, it will connect in other ways, such as professional and personal goals.

6. Pisces

Pisces are perfect for dates because they are empathetic, kind, generous, and romantic. He will share his dreams and expectations with you, even if they are not entirely realistic, but this is definitely a sign that he can easily connect with.

The worst signs for dating

1. Taurus

It’s not that dating a Taurus is bad, but in the worst case, he will agree to anything, just not to be alone. This attitude often leads you to get involved in relationships that have no future.

2. Aquarium

The bad side of dating an Aquarius is that it leaves you feeling confused. You won’t know if he’s interested or not, because that’s a sign that he’s taking a long time to open his heart.

3. Gemini

The outgoing and fun attitude of a Gemini can make your girl nervous and nervous. This is a sign that can usually be found anywhere, and what was the blueprint for 2 becomes 3 or 4.

4. Sagittarius

Honesty can be cruel for some people, especially your partner. Not everyone is ready to hear the truth, and Sagittarius tells it without caring about hurting their partner’s sensitivity.

5. Scales

This may turn out to be the worst date for people who expect peace and harmony. He loves to communicate, make noise and have fun, which can be a nightmare for those who hope for frankness.

6. Aries

This sign has a big drawback: it goes too fast. You want to live it all in one day, and that can be confusing because with Aries, it’s not guaranteed that you’ll feel the same way next week.

Author: Miguel Angel Castillo
Source: La Opinion


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