Apple introduced the new operating system iOS 17

Photo: © Global Look Press/Frank Hoermann/SVEN SIMON

Photo: © Global Look Press/Frank Hoermann/SVEN SIMON

Apple at the presentation on June 5 introduced the new operating system iOS 17. The event was broadcast on the corporation’s official channel on YouTube.

The new iOS adds the ability to exchange phone numbers by simply bringing the devices to each other using NameDrop, as well as decrypt some audio messages into text automatically.

The voice assistant, instead of the phrase “Hey Siri”, can be called up in the 17th version by simply saying “Siri”.

Earlier, Russians who use the iPhone were advised to check their smartphones for viruses. According to a member of the Constitutional Committee of the Federation Council Artem Sheikin, the company deliberately infected its equipment in order to steal personal data of users.

Source: Ren


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