Dallas weather for today Friday, June 16

Temperatures in Dallas, Texas are expected to hit 99 degrees Fahrenheit (37ºC) this Friday, June 16th. There is a 2% chance of rain with some cloudiness expected. On the other hand, the forecast calls for wind gusts of up to 10.56 mph.

Overnight temperatures will hit 73 degrees Fahrenheit (23ºC) with a 1% chance of rain. Wind gusts will remain at 8.08 mph.

The thermal sensation or “actual temperature” expected for the day will be a maximum of 111ºF (44ºC) and a minimum of 111ºF (44ºC). If sun exposure bothers you, your UV levels will be unhealthy (sensitive) during the day (level 125 on the scale).

As for sunrise and sunset, in Dallas the sun will rise at 06:19 and leave at 20:37. Light day will be 14 hours.

Dallas forecast for tomorrow

As for the weather in Dallas for tomorrow, the forecasts indicate cloudiness and clearings with a small chance of precipitation. Temperatures will range from 77 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit (25 to 35 degrees Celsius). According to the latest data from the US National Weather Service and AccuWeather, the chance of precipitation on Big D will be 25% in the morning, 17% in the afternoon and 25% at night.

Weather in Dallas for the next 7 days

If you don’t want to be surprised by the day and know what the weather is like in Dallas for the next 7 days, here we provide you with an estimate of today’s weather. Keep in mind that weather conditions in Texas change from day to day, so we recommend checking our website every day.

Average temperature in Dallas

The hot season lasts 3.4 months, from June to September, and the average daily maximum temperature is 87°F. August is the most feared month in Dallas, with an average high of 95°F and a low of 77°F.

Instead, the cool season lasts 3 months, from November to February, and the average daily high temperature is minus 64°F. The coldest month in Dallas is January, with an average low of 39°F and high of 57°F.

In conclusion, regarding the amount of rain in Dallas, Texas, data from the US National Weather Service shows that the rainiest season is between April and October, with over 26% chance that it will rain on that day.

May is Dallas’ rainiest month, averaging 11 days with at least 0.04 inches of rainfall. In contrast, the dry season lasts 5.5 months, from 23 October to 9 April. The month with the fewest rainy days in Dallas is January.

Don’t miss the latest Dallas weather information at https://laopinion.com/tema/clima-en-dallas/.

Author: Opinion
Source: La Opinion


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