Spring breakdown: products and life hacks to get rid of vitamin deficiency

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Drowsiness, apathy, unusual fatigue and even joint pain – many people experience signs of vitamin deficiency in early spring. Its cause is a lack of vitamins during this period. But drinking handfuls of pills is not the answer.

Fortunately, there is a solution: you can find the beneficial substances needed by a weakened body after a long winter in familiar foods.

Which of them will help not to get sick, but… to lose weight? How will kissing a frog affect your health? And how will construction paint ensure a vacation by the sea? The program “Science and Technology” with Mikhail Borzenkov talks about this on REN TV.

Interesting facts about vitamins

“Vitamin” rain

The average speed of the shower is nine meters per second. This is comparable to the speed of riding a bicycle. Just a couple of minutes and you will be wet to the skin! But don’t rush to hide under an umbrella. Scientists at the University of Washington have found that… vitamin rain is falling on us from the sky.

It turns out that the drops contain iodine and vitamin B12. And the main supplier of these elements into the atmosphere is the World Ocean.

“Vitamin B12 in the ocean is produced by single-celled microorganisms – archaea. And iodine in sea water is in the form of bromine iodide. One liter contains about fifty micrograms of iodine. This is a third of the daily requirement for an adult. When water evaporates, beneficial elements enter the atmosphere “Every year about four hundred thousand tons of iodine evaporate from the surface of the ocean,” – said Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Endocrine Center of the University of California Masha Livshits.

How to find out about vitamin deficiency using a pen

According to doctors, almost 80% of all inhabitants of the globe periodically suffer from vitamin deficiency. We most often experience a lack of vitamins and microelements in spring and autumn. But drinking pills by the handful is not an option. First you need to find out what exactly your body needs.

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How to find out without a bunch of tests was invented in China. Scientists from the Middle Kingdom propose to scan yourself using… a pen. But unusual, but with a charge of current. You need to attach the gadget to your body and it will determine the level of twenty-six vitamins and minerals.

“The operation of the device is based on the methods of bioelectrical resistance of tissues. Upon contact with the body, the gadget releases a small charge of current and then analyzes the level of resistance at different points. The collected data is sent wirelessly to the phone to a special program. It analyzes and provides results with an accuracy of seventy percent “, – blogger and technology observer Sarah Isakka clarified the principle of operation of the device.

If such an analysis shows a deficiency of vitamin B9, then it’s time to take your health seriously. B9, also known as folic acid, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. And it turns out that it is found in abundance on the skin of the frog.

Bullfrog – a storehouse of vitamins

South Korean scientists have found that the skin and muscles of the bullfrog contain not only folic acid, but also peptides that store huge amounts of vitamin E. Don’t worry, you don’t have to kiss the amphibian to get trace elements.

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“The new substance may become an alternative to the usual vitamin E. The peptide we discovered from the skin of a frog is highly soluble in water. This means that it can be consumed in much more diverse ways. For example, it can be added to drinks. Moreover, its production may be cheaper,” – said Stuart Elborn, professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Queen’s University Belfast.

Healthy menu for vitamin deficiency

Oily fish from cold seas

A healthy menu will help you get rid of vitamin deficiency. Experts from Rospotrebnadzor helped us compile it.

“The most beneficial for the health of the cardiovascular system is fatty fish from cold seas. Such as trout, mackerel, but even herring. Recent studies have shown us that taking dietary supplements containing omega-3 acids does not have such a pronounced effect on health. cardiovascular protection, such as eating two to three servings of oily fish weekly,” – noted leading expert of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics CMD Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Margarita Provotorova.

Fruits and berries

Moreover, to get omega-3, you don’t have to chase fresh fish. Frozen, experts say, contains no less vitamins. And if you go to the market or store to buy fish, don’t pass by the stalls with fruits and berries.

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“Strawberries – even a small portion of 100 grams will provide us with the daily requirement of such an important vitamin as ascorbic acid or vitamin C. Berries: raspberries are practically a record holder for fiber content and are very useful for those losing weight, since they contain a small amount of calories, and a large amount of fiber provides for a long time satiety and helps with intestinal problems,” said leading expert of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics CMD Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Margarita Provotorova.

It turns out that the usual raspberries can replace those losing weight with expensive chia seeds, which have the same properties.

Russian device for determining the level of trace elements in the body

It seems that the lack of vitamins has been sorted out. What about the level of microelements in the body? Potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, iodine – a lack of such minerals can significantly impair health. A new device by Russian scientists, the so-called biometer, will help determine their number in a split second. All you need for analysis is a little saliva.

“Using a cotton swab, we need to moisten a special plate and insert it into the slot of the potentiostat. After we have inserted this plate, we need to actually start the analysis process. The device measures the current and voltage on the electrochemical cell and, based on the data obtained, determines whether there is a deficiency or excess of zinc in the saliva sample,” – explained Ilya Lapin, an employee of the Center for Bioelementology and Human Ecology of Sechenov University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

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So far, the rapid test only determines zinc levels. But scientists from Sechenov University plan to train the device to recognize other microelements. According to experts, two thirds of the Russian population need such control.

“The introduction of this device into healthcare practice and home use will allow you to get results within a minute, maximum two. We sought to find a method that would combine high accuracy, reliability of the results obtained and convenience for the patient. That is, those tests which can be used in non-laboratory conditions, at home, on expeditions, on the road, during sports competitions,” – emphasized Anatoly Skalny, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Director of the Center for Bioelementology and Human Ecology at Sechenov University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Vitamin delicacy

If the test determines a deficiency of micro- and macroelements, then how to replenish them? Eat a shellfish! But not ordinary, but stuffed with vitamins. British scientists have figured out how to make oysters hundreds of times healthier.

Researchers from Cambridge fed oysters and mussels vitamin microcapsules in the form of small balls. It is better to serve clams dinner eight hours before they eat themselves – this way the microelements have time to be absorbed. Just two bivalves a day – and you can forget about the deficiency of nutrients.

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“Scientists conducted an experiment on hundreds of mollusks. And they found that after enrichment, the content of vitamin D in them became one hundred and fifty times more, and vitamin A – one hundred,” – said Albert Simon, MD, professor at A.T. Stilla.

How scientists learned to use paint

You won’t believe it, but even construction paint will help you monitor your health. But unusual, and… useful. A wall covering that purifies the air was developed in Austria. Imagine, opening a can of paint, you feel not a pungent smell, but freshness, like after a thunderstorm. And it’s not about flavorings – the finishing material has an ionization effect.

“Special minerals were added to the innovative paint and putty, which attract air molecules and turn them into air ions. These are particles that are formed when gas molecules are split. They are also called “air vitamins.” Measurements have shown that there are no harmful substances in a room with such a coating , volatile organic compounds and even very fine dust. Air ions attach to small particles in the air and settle on the floor so that a person does not inhale them,” explained Vice President of the Institute of Science and Technology of Austria Michael Sixt.

The paint does not begin to work immediately, but two days after application. But the effect lasts for several years. All that remains is to cover the walls with it, stick a vitamin patch on your hand – and you can forget about vitamin deficiency!

About the most incredible achievements of progress, discoveries of scientists, innovations that can change the future of humanity, watch in the “Science and Technology” program with host Mikhail Borzenkov on REN TV.

Source: Ren


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