The real intention of the 100 billion yen acquisition of black rock “renewable natural gas”, a major asset management company. Criticism of greenwashing…

BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, has made headlines with its acquisition of an eight-year-old, 160-employee renewable energy development company.

Wellesley, Massachusetts, USA.

Although it is a small town with a population of about 29,000 on the outskirts of the big city of Boston, there are many wealthy households. It is known as a prestigious women’s university that has produced a director.

However, the theme of this article is neither the historic university campus nor its alumni network.

The small town is where BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, has identified its latest acquisition target.

Wellesley-based energy company, 8 years old, 160 employees, July 20Vanguard Renewablessaid it had accepted a takeover offer from BlackRock.

Vanguard is an industry term for “Renewable natural gas (or biomethane)” and supplies to Dominion Energy, a large company in the public works sector involved in power generation, transmission and storage of natural gas.

Biomethane is a combustible gas produced by methane fermentation of organic waste such as garbage and livestock manure, and can be used as fuel for automobiles and power generation.

According to The Wall Street Journal (July 20), as companies across the board take a defensive stance against volatile stock markets, raging inflation, and a looming recession,BlackRock will spend $700 million to acquire Vanguard, and separately invest more than $1 billion to expand the company’s business.It says.

BlackRock believes that decarbonization will become a major long-term movement that attracts investors’ expectations and interests, and it can be said that it is a move that bets on it.

Source: BusinessInsider


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