
Chuck Palahniuk and Phillip Roth In their novels, they testified to the vulnerability of American democratic institutions and warned of the hidden danger that an enemy of pluralism, capitalism, and the “American way of life” might come to the presidency.

AT “Conspiracy Against America” ​​Roth performs a counterfactual historical exercise in which he imagines what would have happened if Charles Lindbergh, an aviation hero and Nazi sympathizer, had become president in 1940, and how the US government’s persecution of Jews and ethnic minorities might have been provoked. Roth develops the plot as if it were a family biography.

With anti-Semitic sentiment escalating, Roth’s parents and members of their community are considering emigrating to Canada. Walter Winchell, an entertainment journalist and prominent member of the Jewish community is killed. When the Roth family realizes that they cannot trust government agencies and their community, it is too late to run. Political upstarts betray their group ideals and interests by becoming apologists for the regime. Deja vu.

In Chuck Palahniuk’s Pygmies, a totalitarian state in Asia sends a group of agents disguised as exchange students to launch Operation Mayhem, a series of terrorist attacks against capitalism in a land of zombies.

Trump’s relationship with Putin and the Russian government, historical enemies of American civility, earned him deep animosity from the American intelligence community, which has not forgiven him for his flirting with Putin. That Trump wanted to hand over classified documents to a foreign government is completely implausible and surpasses any exercise in fiction. But it is incredibly interesting that it will be the Department of Justice and some agencies that make up the intelligence community, among which the FBI stands out, that will curtail Trump’s initiative to perpetuate himself in power.

In these latitudes, our government seems to be an appendage of Cuban communism. The loss of sovereignty in the face of the Cuban G2 will be difficult to reverse in the future, and every day more Cuban agents disguised as doctors appear in Mexico, operating with complete freedom.

Obradorato and Trumpism share principles and bonds that seemed inextricable. The AMLO president emulates Trump in his divisive speech, and his policies aim to counter the counterbalances of other powers and autonomous organizations. These two live in a post-truth world. The two have started an anti-press crusade and are using the judicial structures to eliminate dissidents. We can be optimistic about the decline of Trumpism.



Source: Heraldo De Mexico


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