Do conscripts need to delete “Diya” from their smartphones now: lawyer’s answer

According to lawyer Vladislav Yuchak, there is no mechanism at the legislative level in Ukraine for issuing a subpoena using a smartphone or other gadget with Internet access.

Ukrainians were told how to create an electronic register for citizens who have served in the military, and whether it is necessary to immediately delete the Diya application from your smartphone. This was reported by Channel 24 on April 26.

The fact is that in order to effectively maintain military records in Ukraine, it was decided to implement the Unified State Register for conscripts, servicemen and reservists.

The Ministry of National Defense states that there has been an increase in the distribution of summons in connection with the general mobilization and that this is due to the KTK’s knowledge of the population. A unified electronic registry allows you to automate the process of obtaining all the necessary information about future hires. That is, these are place of registration, place of residence, marital status information, etc.

The procedure for maintaining the Unified State Register was approved only on March 28, 2022, and there is still no complete database of all Ukrainians responsible for military service. Prior to this, records were only kept “on paper” and the digitization process was incomplete as many men were not in military records.

Submitting a subpoena via the Diya app: do I have to delete it from my smartphone now?

Experts note that the Unified State Register of conscripts, enlisted and reservists is not fully established, and therefore the mechanism for serving subpoenas using alternative sources is not defined either.

“The legislation does not define the possibility of presenting subpoenas online, so there is no need to be afraid and urgently remove the Diya mobile application from your smartphone,” says lawyer Vladislav Yurchak.

As of today, subpoenas are most commonly delivered in public places, place of residence, and checkpoints.

Recall, on April 25, it was reported that a conflict broke out in the Dnieper between TCC employees and the owner of the elite club. According to him, if the institution starts to issue subpoenas, it will lose all its customers.

On April 25, First Deputy Head of the Patrol Police Department, Oleksiy Biloshitsky, said that drift fans will receive subpoenas across Ukraine.

Source: Focus


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