Energy portal 5/5: spiritual meaning and 3 rituals to fulfill a dream

This Friday, May 5, the energy portal opens what does transformation mean and if you want to go through it, from a spiritual point of view, to fulfill your dreams, there are simple rituals that can help you use your energy.

The energy portal is when a gap opens, connecting the spiritual world and the earthly worldThe Universe creates a “bridge” through which energy becomes more powerful. They occur on certain dates whose numbers repeat, as in the case of 5/5.

Spiritual meaning of the portal 5/5

Number 5 in numerology is associated with balance and centrality. as it is a number located in the middle of the order of numbers from 1 to 9. It conveys the energy of adventure and freedom, while giving a sense of security.

It tells us about our ability to learn from experience and adapt to the resulting changes. The energy of number 5 often makes us act with some irresponsibility or the key at this time is to clearly understand our goals, but at the same time take risks for what we want.

Due to the nature of the number 5, a variety of brilliant ideas can come to us, which we must prioritize depending on our individual goals. The 5/5 Portal encourages us to act without thinking.which means it’s a good day to make decisions without fear.

If you are someone more practical and rational, this Friday, May 5th will be the day when your mind is more creative and you can give yourself the opportunity to dream big, because, according to experts, the message of this portal: “You live just one time”. in We Mystic.

Rituals for using the portal 5/5

Portal 5/5 of this 2023 coincides with the lunar eclipse in Scorpiotherefore, according to astrology, it is not good to practice all kinds of rituals, however, here we will look at 3 things you can do to take advantage of this portal.

1. Meditation with incense

Choose a quiet place in your home, light the incense of your choice, and get ready to do some breathing exercises. When you relax, close your eyes and let creativity take over your mind. At the end, write down the ideas that come to you and try to implement them as often as possible.

2. Light a white candle

White is a neutral color and symbolizes peace and balance. Light a white candle to direct your thoughts and actions to a good port. Remember that on this day you are allowed to be more impulsive and risky, so the symbolism of the candle will help you not get lost in your decisions.

3. Start a journal

It is possible that from now on there will be fears about trying something new, because your mind will be oversaturated with creative energy. So this is the perfect day to start a diary that will allow you to keep track of your dreams.

Author: Miguel Angel Castillo
Source: La Opinion


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