Current weather in Austin this Friday, June 16th.

Most of the day today in Austin, Texas, we will have few clouds. A maximum temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40ºC) is expected around noon and a minimum temperature of 79 degrees Fahrenheit (26ºC). Late night. A southwest wind is also expected, which can reach 14.32 m/s during the day. The percentage of cloudiness will be 12%.

Is it raining in Austin today? According to information provided by AccuWeather, there is a 3% chance of rain on this day. The mean atmospheric pressure will be 1006.1 hPa and this value will be constant throughout the day. We will have sunrise at 06:29 and sunset at 20:34 which means a total of 14 hours of daylight.

Weather in Austin (TX) for tomorrow

As for the weather in Austin tomorrow, forecasts indicate that it will be partly cloudy with a small chance of rain. Temperatures will range from 77 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit (25 to 37 degrees Celsius).

Weather in Austin for the next 7 days

If you want to be one step ahead and know what is expected of Weather in Austin (TX) for the next 7 days, here we provide you with an estimate of today’s weather. Keep in mind that the weather conditions in this state vary depending on the day and location (North or South), so we recommend that you check our site every day.

Stay tuned for Austin weather news at

Author: Opinion
Source: La Opinion


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